Thursday, October 13, 2011

Waking Up Described - It IS Real.

Those who woke up

The world looks different.
Most people will laugh or joke when you talk about 'waking up' or mention 'sheeple'. For those who have woken up, it is no laughing matter - In fact, for those who are awake, it is as if they traded a dream for a nightmare.

Something happens when you wake up, you look at people differently and they look at you differently. Most of those who are still asleep will look at you strangely, they figure that you're different, but they can't exactly pinpoint why. It sounds like a cliche, but the experience is the same as in the Matrix movie. Things that you believed before and took for granted, just suddenly appear ridiculous, and you wonder how you were ever convinced that it was true.

Phrases that you thought were once full of wisdom appear to be common sense. Why do the sheeple look for words of wisdom? Because they have lost their own wisdom, which is the most natural thing in the world. They look for guidance and approval from others, and never question why they need to. When you're awake, there are no 'wise' words, only truth, and you're able to accept it because you realize that it was always a part of you, except you were told to think otherwise.

The reality which those who seek to control us is hiding, is the fact that we have the power to change our reality for the better. Those who control, brainwash us with lies. The lies are convincing, but when you're awake, you see them for what they are - it is like a parent telling a child about the existence of the easter bunny, but the child is unable to discern the truth. People who see the truth, the truth of the lies, perceives the harsh reality - there really is a war, a war for your mind. This is the truth, and those who get it, really get it, those who don't, continue to be blind, or are under the illusion that they are awake.

But you can tell if someone is awake. Maybe their eyes show more awareness than the average person. It is the loneliest place to be, among the crowds who cannot see how conforming they are to the ludicrous lies that they are told, unable to reason, or show common sense. Sheeple are deluded into thinking that they're capable of free-thought and reason, but they are as predictable as clockwork.

When you are awake, 'words of wisdom' seem like common sense. Stories told by the government seem like fairy tales. The possiblities of creating a better world seem more accessible. You notice and question everything around you. You have the confidence of yourself for guidance rather than relying someone in authority to tell you how to think.

How to recognize sheeple?

What drives people to wear a corporate brand logo?
The illusion of free-thought.
Sheeple are people who conform, they are like sheep, always following the crowd, but unaware of their adherence to regulations and conventional thought. They do not believe in 'waking up' - it is a complete myth to them, so there is no point trying to convince them that there is a state of extreme clarity. They find it hard to believe that when you wake up, you see the majority of people walking around like zombies, because they are one of the zombies. These words only make sense to those who have seen and witnessed it - those who have take a step out of the box, gone against the grain and found themselves recognizing a different world to the one they once knew.

Also a major trait of sheeple is that they're able to change their views to conform to the masses without much of fight, at times switching to completely polarized views without so much as a struggle. This is what happens when you allow authority or peer pressure to control your opinions, and this phenonmenon is observable in cults. The cult leader will give the impression that the follower has made their 'own' choice, that the follower used his 'own' logic, to come to a conclusion that had already been predetermined from the start. Most ex-cult members are often surprised at how they manged to get trapped into the beliefs, which make absolutely no sense to the free mind.

But you tell someone who has been brainwashed that their beliefs are crazy or insane, and they look at you blankly, as if you're the crazy one instead, except you're not following a leader, or blindly praising a system that doesn't work. Sheeple are proud to conform, it gives them a sense of belonging, they have a built in sense of naievety that those who lead them are pure and good, and those who criticize their idols are destructive and evil.

Once someone has truly woken up, there is no turning back, you look for others who have also woken up. Some are more prone to brainwashing/ hypnotism than others, as evidenced by the way they lead their lifestyle, and their obsession with celebrities and corporate brands. Those who are awake, will wake others to see the world as it truly is.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Cult of Apple

Think Different? ... or just don't think. Apple fans believe they're capable of free-thought, but these images show otherwise, as they demonstrate how brainwashed they have become! Beware those who are easily influenced for their minds are weak and unable to see their own foolishness - iDiots.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011