Monday, December 19, 2011

Obama Signs NDAA Martial Law

Obama supports draconian FY 2012 National Defense Authorization Act provisions. Justification given is national security and war on terror hokum.

Constitutional, statute and international laws won't apply. Martial law will replace them if so ordered.

In other words, presidents may order anyone arrested and imprisoned for life without charge or trial. Tyranny arrived in America. Abuse of power replaced rule of law protections.

A black man's view on Ron Paul being racist

An intelligent viewpoint about how the media try to smear Ron Paul.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Senate passes defense authorization bill

Obama changes his mind
Barack Obama has abandoned a commitment to veto a new security law that allows the military to indefinitely detain without trial American terrorism suspects arrested on US soil who could then be shipped to Guantánamo Bay.
Human Rights Watch said that by signing the bill Obama would go down in history as the president who enshrined indefinite detention without trial in US law.
Rand Paul, a strong libertarian, has said "detaining citizens without a court trial is not American" and that if the law passes "the terrorists have won".

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Waking Up Described - It IS Real.

Those who woke up

The world looks different.
Most people will laugh or joke when you talk about 'waking up' or mention 'sheeple'. For those who have woken up, it is no laughing matter - In fact, for those who are awake, it is as if they traded a dream for a nightmare.

Something happens when you wake up, you look at people differently and they look at you differently. Most of those who are still asleep will look at you strangely, they figure that you're different, but they can't exactly pinpoint why. It sounds like a cliche, but the experience is the same as in the Matrix movie. Things that you believed before and took for granted, just suddenly appear ridiculous, and you wonder how you were ever convinced that it was true.

Phrases that you thought were once full of wisdom appear to be common sense. Why do the sheeple look for words of wisdom? Because they have lost their own wisdom, which is the most natural thing in the world. They look for guidance and approval from others, and never question why they need to. When you're awake, there are no 'wise' words, only truth, and you're able to accept it because you realize that it was always a part of you, except you were told to think otherwise.

The reality which those who seek to control us is hiding, is the fact that we have the power to change our reality for the better. Those who control, brainwash us with lies. The lies are convincing, but when you're awake, you see them for what they are - it is like a parent telling a child about the existence of the easter bunny, but the child is unable to discern the truth. People who see the truth, the truth of the lies, perceives the harsh reality - there really is a war, a war for your mind. This is the truth, and those who get it, really get it, those who don't, continue to be blind, or are under the illusion that they are awake.

But you can tell if someone is awake. Maybe their eyes show more awareness than the average person. It is the loneliest place to be, among the crowds who cannot see how conforming they are to the ludicrous lies that they are told, unable to reason, or show common sense. Sheeple are deluded into thinking that they're capable of free-thought and reason, but they are as predictable as clockwork.

When you are awake, 'words of wisdom' seem like common sense. Stories told by the government seem like fairy tales. The possiblities of creating a better world seem more accessible. You notice and question everything around you. You have the confidence of yourself for guidance rather than relying someone in authority to tell you how to think.

How to recognize sheeple?

What drives people to wear a corporate brand logo?
The illusion of free-thought.
Sheeple are people who conform, they are like sheep, always following the crowd, but unaware of their adherence to regulations and conventional thought. They do not believe in 'waking up' - it is a complete myth to them, so there is no point trying to convince them that there is a state of extreme clarity. They find it hard to believe that when you wake up, you see the majority of people walking around like zombies, because they are one of the zombies. These words only make sense to those who have seen and witnessed it - those who have take a step out of the box, gone against the grain and found themselves recognizing a different world to the one they once knew.

Also a major trait of sheeple is that they're able to change their views to conform to the masses without much of fight, at times switching to completely polarized views without so much as a struggle. This is what happens when you allow authority or peer pressure to control your opinions, and this phenonmenon is observable in cults. The cult leader will give the impression that the follower has made their 'own' choice, that the follower used his 'own' logic, to come to a conclusion that had already been predetermined from the start. Most ex-cult members are often surprised at how they manged to get trapped into the beliefs, which make absolutely no sense to the free mind.

But you tell someone who has been brainwashed that their beliefs are crazy or insane, and they look at you blankly, as if you're the crazy one instead, except you're not following a leader, or blindly praising a system that doesn't work. Sheeple are proud to conform, it gives them a sense of belonging, they have a built in sense of naievety that those who lead them are pure and good, and those who criticize their idols are destructive and evil.

Once someone has truly woken up, there is no turning back, you look for others who have also woken up. Some are more prone to brainwashing/ hypnotism than others, as evidenced by the way they lead their lifestyle, and their obsession with celebrities and corporate brands. Those who are awake, will wake others to see the world as it truly is.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Cult of Apple

Think Different? ... or just don't think. Apple fans believe they're capable of free-thought, but these images show otherwise, as they demonstrate how brainwashed they have become! Beware those who are easily influenced for their minds are weak and unable to see their own foolishness - iDiots.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Calloway V Gate : Perpetual Motion Free Energy Generator

This simple video progressively shows how the Calloway V gate magnetic free-energy generator works, leading up from the most basic principles of magnetic repulsion. This technology has been suppressed because it is a threat to the profits of the energy corporations. Anyone can build a free energy generator and be free from the grid. Please feel free to share this video and spread the knowledge! More info at

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Obama Attempting To Set Up Dictatorship!

Obama plans to use executive orders to bypass Congress. The government is paid for by the people's taxes, and is supposed to serve the people - Why then is the government working so hard to take away the people's rights?

Obama wants to push for tighter gun control without going through Congress, breaking the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution for the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Yet at the same time, the Obama administration is pushing for the UN Arms Trade Treaty which is just a way for America to monopolize the arms trade, so it has exclusive rights to sell more weapons.

It just seems ironic that a country that claims to be for world peace and gun safety, is spending tax payers money to create death and destruction in other parts of the world.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mobile phones ARE to blame for killing off the world's bee populations, scientists claim

Mobile phones ARE to blame for killing off the world's bee populations, scientists claim

Last updated at 2:01 PM on 11th May 2011

  • Phone signals confuses bees and cause them to begin flying erratically before suddenly dying
For some, the mobile phone is the bane of modern life even as it .
But for bees it could be more than just an irritation.
Scientists claim to have proved that signals from mobile phones are behind the sudden decline of the world's bee population, which plays a vital role in both agriculture and horticulture.
Researchers placed mobile phones in bee hives under controlled conditions and monitored the results. They found the phone signals confused the bees who begin to fly erratically before dying suddenly

Researchers placed mobile phones in bee hives under controlled conditions and monitored the results. They found the phone signals confused the bees who begin to fly erratically before dying suddenly
Lead researcher Daniel Favre from Lausanne, Switzerland, placed phones in a series of hives under controlled conditions and monitored the results.
The study - published in the beekeepers' magazine Apidologie - found that the phone signals confused the bees who began to fly erratically before suddenly dying.
The scientists carried out 83 experiments in hives and recorded the bees' reactions to mobile phones in off, standby and call-making modes.

The noise produced by the bees increased more than ten-fold whenever a phone made or received a call - the noise dropped to normal level when the phone was off or on standby.
Mr Favre explained: 'The bees' noise drastically increases as soon as the phone rings - the rays from the phone and the noise clearly disturbs the bees.
'This gives the bees the signal to leave the hive. But often they are so confused they fly to their death.
'Mobile phone technology is fateful for bees. The study definitely proves that.'
The study isn't the first to link mobile phones with the death of bees.
In 2008, a German researcher found that bees refuse to return to their hive when mobile phones are placed alongside it.
Lost and disoriented, they die. The result is abandoned hives, a possible honey shortage and, most gravely, a lack of pollinators for our flowers and crops.
In March, a UN report warned that a perfect storm of perils and threats is behind the disastrous decline in honeybees over the last few years.
Scientists identified more than a dozen factors - from chemical pesticides to the loss of wild flowers - which are conspiring against one of the world's best loved, and most useful, insects.
In Britain the number of bees has halved since the mid-1980s, while in America honey producers have been badly hit by colony collapse disorder - a mysterious condition in which entire hives vanish.

Read more:

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Black People Love Us!

Found a cool site, Black People Love Us!, which parodies most (unintentionally) patronizing North Americans I've ever met! You don't really get this in London, I suppose people are more genuine in the UK. Most Canadians will unknowingly do this patronizing thing with non-white people, and the very same people will freak out if you say something non-PC!!! You can have a lot of fun with this.

I'm guessing that a group of black people got fed up and decided to put this website together to poke fun at this condescending attitude.

Some of the satirical 'testimonials' on the site crack me up probably because they ring absolutely true! A few examples:

Johnny calls me "da man!" That puts me at ease. It makes me feel comfortable, because I am Black and that's how Black folks talk to one another.

Johnny always plays up his (Italian, Irish, Jewish, etc.) ethnicity to me—as an entree into friendship!

Johnny always says: "I'm not racist; one of my best friends is Black!" I think he might mean me!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Alcohol Abstinence Benefits

Damage caused by long-term abuse.
Children can have fun without alcohol, why can't adults?

Since I cut alcohol, my visual memory has improved to the point where when I close my eyes, I can see the faces of people that I last saw twenty years ago as if they're standing right in front of me, even remembering distinguishing features like small moles, scars, etc. Also, the extra boost in brain horsepower, allows me to learn and understand complex concepts faster, as has my ability for mental arithmetic returned.

Although the brain is known to recover from bouts of drinking, I wonder if regular alcohol consumption causes more subtle and unmeasurable faculties of the brain to degrade or even disapper over time. For example, the intensity of concentration required to maintain the mental model of a concept or idea within one's head for a long enough duration to be able to analyse and comprehend it. For being able to bring together more than a few concepts, and maintain them long enough in the brain is the key to understanding and innovation.

The brain is a machine that is able to recognize and compute patterns at speeds much faster than any computer. I imagine that when unimpaired, it is like an accelerating car, adapting gear changes and speed along a winding road. Alcohol is like the puddles or oil on a road which causes a moving car to slip or slide, making it difficult to control. Over time, the driver becomes cautious and conditioned to drive much slower. I doubt that the effects are irrepairable, I believe that they can be healed through abstinence.

What can one gain from giving up alcohol? Is a question I asked myself - perhaps the ability to have fun and relax without requiring any substance. Animals, children and (I'm quite sure) prehistoric man managed to have fun without alcohol, so why can't we? Of course it will be hard at first, but if everything was easy for us without trying, then we'd all be superhuman. Yes it is difficult, but enduring difficulty is how to progress and overcome it.

The obvious gains include health, better ability to cope with stress, increased willpower, increased concentration, more awareness, better coordination and meditative control over body/mind.

Please feel free to refute my points, or justify why alcohol is good.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Why Theism Can Be Detrimental To Your Success And Happiness

As toddlers we view the world with unconditional optimism, from the time we learn to roll over and crawl, we learn that with effort and persistence, we can achieve and conquer each goal, putting that which was once out of reach within our grasp. This is part of being human, to learn through trial and error, to acquire an understanding that we're in charge of what we gain through our efforts. Toddlers do not believe in magic, they have no concept of technology, yet they quickly learn that if they stand up, they may fall, and however many times they fall, they strive to get up again. Babies are not born clumsy - in fact, each time they fall, they learn how NOT to; this is the innate ability of humans, and this is why we are capable of achieving, successively improving upon earlier records.

We determine that there are certain rules that cannot be broken - the most predominant of these are the physical laws, eg, the constant gravitational force of the Earth on our bodies. That we cannot move physical objects with the power of our mind, or that we cannot walk through brick walls. We accept these concepts, not only because we have tested them, but because of the belief we uphold in our confidence to judge and ascertain observational aspects of our reality; that is, until we're told otherwise ...

The majority of people will not be able to pilot a space shuttle, but given enough training, any able-bodied person would be capable of skillfully operating a space shuttle should they apply themselves confidently to the task. They may crash the simulator a few times, but the process of learning involves understanding how to fail in order to recognize the pitfalls and overcome them next time. Success really, is a process of repeated failure. Nobody ever gets it right the first time, even if by some fluke they did, then they would have lost out on the opportunity to experience the alternative outcome, which could prove invaluable should they decide to instruct others in the future.

Religion, or more specifically, believing in a supernatural, all-powerful being who controls every aspect of your life, can be seen to obstruct the natural learning mechanism which I described above. I don't doubt that theists can and have been successful - the very idea that there are unknown, unexplained, and unproven forces that determine fate, although a religious person may feel that they are conscious of how they think and in control of when they apply their faith, such concepts remain active on a subconscious and systemic level which exerts a much stronger influence upon an individual's actions and decisions than they are consciously aware of.

Being religious, may have its benefits. There may be more opportunities for employment within the religious peer group, as those who have established positions within companies are willing to recommend those who follow the same faith. But how much is that a success? While some may consider slaving away to earn money for someone else as the ultimate goal in their life, and many with a religious mindset do seem to think this way because they have been trained to obey and follow, true success is putting yourself on the path to attaining your own goals, whatever they might be. And (on a sidenote) to those who say, "But I don't have the luxury to choose my career path, I have bills to pay...", they may be better off paying their bills by becoming a prostitute or drug dealer; if they're making more money than that, then I believe that they do have the luxury, except they're too busy indefinitely slaving themselves for their high maintenance lifestyle - until redundancy wakes them up with a hard cold slap in the face; I digress. While I disagree that a job position be given solely on the merit of religious inclination, which at least constitutes discrimination, and also exempts many others who may be better suited to the job in question, the person who is awarded the job based on their religious beliefs will expect the same treatment for all the jobs they will apply to in future, and if they don't get the job, then it will be "God's will".


What is God's will? For everything else there is an explanation, and if something does not make sense, or goes against the desires or wishes of an individual then for theists, it is God's will. If a theist goes to the races, bets on a horse that does not win, is that God's will or just a gambler down on his luck? If he continues to bet and lose, is this the will of God? or as a way to test the theist's faith (thus a true believer will continue gambling)? Because when one begins to reason like that, then it is easy to see why some people fall into a slippery pit, and continue stay there out of a stubborness to accept reality.

There is always an underlying reason to believe the things we do. Someone who has a fear of failure, may prefer not to try, if they don't try, then they won't need to face failure, right? They may have not had much success, so they attribute it to God's or Gods' WILL (who is to say that there is only one or many gods?) Seems harmless enough, right? But just think, what those few words are doing on a subconscious level... They are reinforcing, and reaffirming an underlying belief, whether that belief is at a conscious or subconscious level is irrelevant, the fact is that it allows the individual to justify their failure. It is not only a justification of failure, it is a form of denial - a denial of failure. In order to succeed at anything, we must recognize our failure, to deny failure, is to not see it at all, and therefore the opportunity to learn, improve and correct has been lost.

The person who places him or her self at the mercy of the unknown and mysterious workings of an invisible higher super being, has already surrendered themselves and therefore their life to a process of cumulative unsuccesses, one after the other. They may or may not be aware of their failings until someone points it out, perhaps they know that something is wrong, and the feeling of helplessness might drive them into a depression, which causes them to burrow deeper into their religion for comfort because it confirms their belief and is a way to ignore and face a fearful reality. Why, it is better to fear God, than it is to fear reality, they'll say! For reality hurts infinitely more than what God can do, because 'He' supposedly gives you the 'love' (ignorance) you so desire when you are down...

Now back to the start of my article. A child picks him/herself up after falling down, knowing full well that they could fall again. A child will not say "It is God's will that I fell!" because such 'reasoning' is taught by the Church. If we all thought like that, then many of us would be in wheelchairs. The truth is, that there is no fear. Once again, judgement is a concept that has been perpetuated and perpetrated by the doctrine of religion. A child does not consider falling over as a failure, nor do the child's parents. The greatest fear is fear itself, and those who have the biggest dreams, fear the biggest disappointment, something that hasn't or never will happen. If we have a dream, there is no reason why we can't put it at least within our grasp, for success is a process of trial and error - to think otherwise is to live in a fantasy world where everything comes true when you wish for it to an all powerful wizard who lives in the sky. Besides, the ultimate destination is death, so whichever way you see it, all that you could or would gain in life, would eventually be lost anyway - there really is nothing to lose. As each second of your life ebbs away, it is better to think, "It is my life and it is MY will!"

Each failure, should be seen as a step forward towards the greater goal. Those who are quick to accept defeat, may also be quick to accept god/gods and accept their situation for better, or worse. Just one small idea can change your entire life, this idea is that you are the only one in charge of and responsible for your life, no super being, no magic, just you. You can choose to change your life just by accepting this one powerful idea. Allow that idea to infuse your mind, and then you can begin to move upwards towards your happiness instead of a slow painful downward spiral. All the other good things will follow from then onwards. Don't believe in god, believe in yourself.