Thursday, August 12, 2010

Empathy and Emotion

Those who are empathic have a natural ability to pick up the feelings and emotions of others. We're naturally drawn to empathic people because they can pick up our wavelength and tune into our frequency, making us feel as if they understand and want to listen to us - we seek those who are similar to ourselves.

Empaths, when properly trained as a guidance counsellor, can take us from an uncomfortable emotional place to one where we're more comfortable. A metaphor for being in an uncomfortable place may be being stuck climbing on a moutain rockface, the empath has the ability to locate us, go up to that place, and bring us back to our safe place.

A tuning fork works both ways, if you strike it, it creates a certain pitch, the wavelength based on the distance between the forks. But if the same pitched is played at the tuning fork, it will caused the forks to vibrate. We are all innately empathic, except that most have forgotten how to use it, preferring to make sound rather than tune into it. Most people are only tuned into their own emotions, and they amplify the state that they believe themself to be in because of this, they will say, 'I am feeling sad', 'I am happy', etc - it is a function of the ego to commentate on one's emotional state - but it must be understood that these states are merely transient, and if you dwell on the state it is like stopping a moving stream from running - eventually the water pools up and becomes rotten and stagnant - emotions can become stagnant too if they are not allowed to circulate.

Most of the powerful empaths avoid large crowds, because so many conflicting radiating energies in such a small space can cause confusion. If each frequency of the human range of emotions is represented by a colour, than a room full of people and their different colours just creates a muddy blackness, although if everyone in the same room is feeling the same thing, like happiness, the overall energy can be overwhelming and self-amplifying. It is for this reason that empaths have to choose carefully where they live because they can pick up the emotions and energies of the other occupants in a building or street.

Animals like dogs and cats are extremely adept empaths. Just by petting a dog or cat for a while, you can release an incredible amount of stress. So the effect of a domestic animal in a house can be quite dramatic. Although like humans, dogs and cats can also be overwhelmed by strong emotional forces, and in violent households, they can also become violent and hostile too. But dogs and cats can sense your true emotions, while most people can appear confident on the outside, they are able to detect any fear inside you. Usually people who act confident, may ask a lot of questions because psychologically it gives them the feeling of control in a conversation, inside they may have a lot of doubts about themself and other people, which makes them suspicious and untrusting unless they have know someone for a long time.

Often it is hard for an empath to reach someone who has their guard up, because they are suspicious and scared inside, if the empath reached inside the person to help them, then both would end up with their guard up, creating an awkward situation, but all these problems can be navigated around, although the person who is guarded and suspicious is harder to form an empathic union with, it only takes a matter of time before the person learns to trust the empath as they will realize that the empath means no harm to them. This is the same with wild animals, if you are walking in the woods and you encounter a bear, it is your fear that will drive them also into fear, and most wild animals have nothing to gain by attacking a human, it does it for protection because it thinks you are a threat, so next time if you're unfortunate to bump into a wild animal, just stay calm and let the animal know that you're relaxed and cool.

If an empath wants to reach out to a large group of people, but feels that everyone is on a different wavelength, he can start by bringing them to him/her, instead of the other way round with the empath going to their emotional states. This level where the empath brings the others would be a middle ground area which most people are able to access. For bringing people together for, say, a business meeting, the leader of the meeting could initiate a fun activity that everyone participates in before the actual serious discussion begins - it could be as simple as listening to some music, synchronous exercise or dancing. What this does is slowly move people to the same operational frequency, and whatever unrelated negative problems that they brought to the meeting will slowly dissipate, and the conference/meeting will continue with better focus and concentration.

It is important for the empath to understand themself as much as they understand others, because if the empath forgets to be self-aware, then it is easy for them to spiral out of control, as other people's emotions and thoughts overwhelm their being. Therefore empathic people must learn to centre themselves, and one of the most effective ways to do this is by meditation. Some of the most 'charismatic' empaths tend to be victims to alcoholism, gambling or violence - this is because they're riding on other people's feelings of addiction, and because of their empathic nature, they can also become the most dangerous amplifier and promoter of these addictions. Meditation is the most useful tool in the empath's toolbox; I will cover meditation more in a later article, but meditation is a way to clear the mind of negative thoughts, and the body of negative energy (stress) which if left untreated could manifest as physical illness.

For those who lack empathy, it can be trained through meditation. By meditating, like a slate, you are wiping residue emotional energy from your body which is like an antenna. If your analogue television has an antenna, and it is covered in dirt and moss, your signal reception will be not very clear and full of static. The body is a very sensitive and finely tuned electrical device, all the time, electrical signals are moving throughout your body and brain. When you are under stress this does not work that well. Other things that affect the functioning of your body are processed foods, lack of exercise and nutrient deficiencies. Meditation can provide the peace that your body needs to work out the stresses, because everyday you're bombarded by stresses which can cause your mind to tighten particular muscles in your upper back, this is negative energy because the muscle has been tightened and therefore is under tension like a spring, there is trapped energy which blocks the normal flows of electrical energy around the body. Getting a massage can help release the trapped energy in muscles, releasing them like uncoiling tightly compressed springs.

So this is all I have for now about empathy, I may write a more advanced article on empathy in the future for those who have been practising it for a long time.

Peace and love.

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