Tuesday, August 10, 2010

GUILT - A Psychological Mind Control Weapon!

Guilt, something that can completely paralyse us or motivate us. Guilt is the most powerful weapon of religion, for it drives many of those in the Catholic religion to Church every week. The world's leaders understand the potency of the effect of guilt, because if used incorrectly can control our will and our desires to further their own agendas. This is not some arcane knowledge but a science that has been passed down from generation to generation among those who are part of the largest and most influential cults on this planet.

From an early age we're taught to feel guilt, but guilt itself is abstract, it is a feeling of rejection. As a child if we wet the bed, we're made to feel 'guilty' for making our mother change the sheets, scolded for something outside our control, yet somehow our subconscious is hammered like hot iron on an anvil to respect the mysterious feeling of guilt. Some will argue that guilt is the guiding force that stops us from doing evil, but I disagree, guilt is different from conscience, whereas conscience is a voice that offers us a choice to do something, guilt is a voice that punishes for not obeying.

Religious cults will have its followers confuse guilt and conscience. Conscience is what we are born with, guilt is what we are taught. Guilt applies to our ego, whereas conscience applies to our inherent nature. Guilt punishes and conscience rewards - they are on opposite ends of the spectrum, one is negative and one is positive, and they both affect our overall spiritual energy. Guilt is destructive, if not relieved it can cause the afflicted to go insane or even commit suicide, therefore people seek to have guilt removed in order to feel well. Karl Marx once said that religion was the opiate of the masses - religion is designed to implant the idea that you have 'sinned' and thus make you feel guilty, this overriding sense of guilt can only be removed by the 'men of god', and once they remove it, a sense of euphoria is felt, but this does not last long as the religious dogma re-implants this sense of guilt into the masses.

If you look at the psychological profiles of most serial killers, they all have a background of being raised in strict religious families. This goes to show that you cannot use guilt to instill a sense of duty to do good in an individual - it doesn't work, and has the opposite effect; creating a fertile environment for growing sociopaths. Also guilt is infectious, once the thoughts have been implanted in an individual that they have somehow committed a crime, that individual in order to alleviate a partial load of their burden, will make others feel guilt too - it is human nature to feel the need to share one's experience with others. So the preached to, becomes the preacher, and thus the cycle continues. But this can also happen a different way, where the individual who has committed a sin will initiate others into the same sin so they are not alone in the guilt burden. We see that guilt is not a solution to a more conscientious society, but the very cause of many of the problems that plague humanity, and a weapon used by those immune to guilt on the masses in order to control.

Be Aware of Individuals who Display a Predilection Towards Guilt

The most dangerous people you can meet are those who uphold the guilt-based authoritarian system of control. In life, without doubt, you will meet people who appeal to the guilt complex, and those individuals at a superficial level may appear like normal citizens. You'll meet people who may support a very moral cause, appearing to others like a moral beacon to others, on the outside, they may be very likeable and seem to have a direction, but on the inside is an extremely unstable person, balanced on the precipice of insanity and loss of control. These people who are susceptible to guilt, and subscribe to the guilt system, are the most easily manipulated of all personality types. With careful phrasing or language, they can be controlled, their guilt is a leash and they can be led and exploited by whoever so desires.

These people feel the need to believe that they are doing 'good', so that the guilt is alleviated. Psychologically, these people may have had a history of some kind of mental illness, especially some form of depression. Depression is often related to some kind of unrealized childhood guilt trauma. There is a cure, but psychiatrists in particular favour the more profitable pharmaceutical prescription route. Someone with bipolar disorder swings from being free of guilt to extreme feelings of guilt, many of these individuals come from strict families where they may have been made to feel guilty for 'having fun' or 'enjoying life'. But like I said before, the root of all this behaviour comes from the infectiousness of guilt and the ability it has to be passed from generation to generation like a psychological plague.

Guilt, as we have established already can be used to control individuals. No matter how ridiculous the antidote to guilt, an individual is willing to go to extremes to seek redemption. Rationality does not come into the equation, because clear thinking is not a part of the guilt system of control. Guilt can overcome all rational thought and compel an individual to perform all manner of tasks. The CIA have experimented with different methods of mind-control - most notorious is their project MKULTRA which used hypnosis, drugs, etc on real human subjects to determine the most effect way to place an individual under hypnotic control, and in many cases with the subject unaware and believing that they still have freewill. These people become the perfect automated control subject, and are inserted back into society to function as spies for big brother and to report on those who may challenge the authority of the status quo.

How to Tell if Someone is Dangerous

A dangerous person is like a truckload of dynamite, it only needs the right conditions to be activated and cause damage. As long as the tyrannical guilt system is in place, society will continue to create non-rational individuals who will seek redemption from their induced sense of guilt. Those who are most susceptible swing from cause to cause, like a drug addict who survives each day swinging from drug dealer to drug dealer. The addiction is not the need to do good, although that is what the person may believe, but rather the need to alleviate a feeling of guilt, which is often described as a feeling of 'helplessness' or of 'a need to make the world a better place' How do charities recruit our aid? they do it by subjecting us to images of depravation, making us feel guilty for what we have, and suddenly we feel the need to donate, not to help, but to take away that horrible feeling - once the guilt is (temporarily removed) we do not care to even follow up to see if our money arrived to those it was intended for, or pocketed by some corrupt official. Guilt is inherently selfish because it is targeted at our ego. The bigger the ego, the more effective the control using guilt.

Ego is the way we perceive ourselves through the eyes of others - it cares what others think. Therefore when the ego is big, it cares not for the rationale of the individual, but the acceptance of others, even though the individual may disagree with his peers, he is driven to perform accordingly by the pressure of those around him. The egoistical individual does what he believes other expect of him. Therefore, the most dangerous people are the ones who see themselves as the moral upholder or pillar of society, the self-appointed watchdog and policer of all that is 'right' and 'good', whose own perceived self-worth is based on the views of others. These self-important people build their personality around a guilt-imposed construct, and because they do not like the attention on themself, they are often the first to be critical of others, not giving a care about their own hypocrisy, when in actuality the finger that they point is at themselves.

This type of individual can be a most influential member in society, who if recruited at the highest level can prove to be invaluable to converting and cooercing others. Their ideas will not be radical, and their views will usually reflect the commonly held beliefs of the time, but their ability to induce guilt and therefore control would be respected by those recruited. The person who is afflicted with the abstract concept of guilt is incapable of creativity or critical thinking because those abilities require individual enlightenment, although they are very capable of citing memes or spreading propaganda. They believe their cause is noble, and will give up their life, no matter how ridiculous the reason. The subject is a potential walking time-bomb waiting to go off, and should any organization be able to recognize these types of traits in an informal interview, could recruit the said individual as a loyal member to further their cause.

The Self-Perpetuating Psychological Illness

I can use many examples of the guilt-addicted individual, they all display destructive behaviour, particularly the alcoholic, but I will use the example of the binge eater, since unlike the alcoholic, they remain conscious of their behaviour at all times.

From an early age, we are taught about the Seven Deadly Sins, which originated in Greek philosophy but was later adopted by the Catholic Church. One of those 'sins' which might be considered prevalent in today's society is Gluttony, the over indulgence in the offerings of entertainment; overeating and its associated effects of obesity is a common sight, in the west, large people are made to feel 'guilty' about their size with the aid of advertising, yet it is also advertising in the first place which put them in their dire situation in the first place.

Let's analyse this mechanism of indulgence and guilt which bombards and shapes our lives on a daily basis. This very same mechanism drives our consumerism, and also creates a generation of confused and mentally damaged individuals. The Gluton is exposed to advertising which promotes products to make the Gluton feel good, he/she is encouraged to keep buying and using that product, let's say that the product is icecream. The icecream advert sells the product as a feel good escape, the consumer buys the product (because they want to feel good) and perhaps they enjoy the product a bit too much and get fat as a result. Then there is an advert on television selling a low fat food product, and it sells itself by appealing to the guilt of indulgence in the viewers. The only real way out of this situation in this case is to exercise, but the problem with guilt is that it can paralyze us from action if we are not aware of the underlying problem - this is the depression phase, where we feel helpless and unable to move - the helplessness drives us to further indulge in icecream, and temporarily we feel good, and then we feel guilty and feel the need to eat more low-fat food which doesn't do anything, and back into depression again, and round and round we go, a viscious cycle which is hard to break out of if you are not aware of what is happening.

Some people feel so trapped in the cycle of pleasure-guilt-depression that they end up committing suicide, but a few are so desperate to get out that they are willing to do anything to escape it at the cost of their individuality and self-worth. Thus the drug companies target these people, producing drugs such as Prozac, which remove emotions and numb the ability to think freely and as an individual. Some are offered a type of redemption in the form of 'community service' whether it be for the army or being recruited into a cult as mentioned earlier. These people are desperate, and they hand over the reigns of their life to somebody else in the hope that they may be cured.

The Cure, and Freedom

I have been careful in what I have written in this article because the ability to manipulate people is the holy grail for world domination! I decided not to share my techniques, although they can be discovered by anyone who has the ability to analyse and think outside the box, and I do not believe in manipulating people, so I only want to make people aware of the dangers in our media controlled world. You should be suspicious of all information, even this one, never cease to question. Above all, question who you are and who you want to become, for many people, their vision of the person that they want to become is very different from the life path that they have chosen. So look at your upbringing, think about what angered you most in your childhood, your fears and analyse their origins - because if we do not understand why we think the way we do, then we will be forever lost and a slave to other people's wants, which are not always to our benefit.

Politicians will always tell you to 'do the right thing', but the 'right thing' often suits their agenda. Only you know what is right and what is wrong, because you trust your own decision, not anyone elses, because you based your decision on facts and careful analysis and not an abstract feeling or concept. You are a free-thinking individual who has the ability to question, and you understand that others have the same right, you will respect others as they respect you, and free yourself from those who seek to control your thoughts and make you a slave to their plans, and those who want to exploit you and suppress the very people who want to help you be free. You are a freedom fighter who frees others, and nobody controls you except yourself.

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