Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Curing My Mother's Arthritis

My mother has been suffering from arthritis in her fingers for over six years. She was referred to a specialist who said that the best thing that they could do for her was to operate, and there was no guarantee that it would improve her condition. Since then, her joints have gradually gotten worse, becoming swollen and sore, causing the thinner skin at the knuckles to form abscesses.

After some careful analysis and research, I finally diagnosed that the arthritis was caused by a gastro problem, as my mother suffers from a frequent and persistent heartburn which she self-medicates with indigestion tablets. I deduced that the indigestion problem was caused by a lack of stomach acid production, as it is also related to acid reflux.

I prescribed her apple cider vinegar; she has been on it for two weeks now, and her abscesses have cleared up, no sign of red sores, and she is not experiencing any pain. I expect that if she continues taking the supplements, the swollen joints will eventually recede in size. The apple cider vinegar has been aiding her digestion, giving the extra acidity required to break down undigested proteins in her stomach, which were leaking into her bloodstream and getting trapped in her joints.

Now this is first-hand experience about the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar helping cure arthritis - you may or may not believe that this simple product can have such curative strength, but I have seen it, and it is up to you whether you want to try or dismiss it. There are plenty of websites (which I believe function as big pharma propaganda disinformation) which claim that the apple cider vinegar cure is an old wives remedy and does not cure anything - The best advice is not to take anyone's word for it, but to try it yourself. Apple cider vinegar is a harmless food product which you cannot overdose on, and it does not manifest any side-effects, so there is no harm in trying.

Most people, when their parents begin to suffer the symptoms of ageing, think that they can throw money at the problem and hope that some 'so-called specialist' can solve the problem. The problem with the medical profession, is many of those who practice it, do so only as a job without any real passion or interest in the subject and thus they are unable, or unwilling, to keep up with the latest or alternative developments in their fields. You love your parents, why would you leave them at the mercy of people whose job it is to prescribe the most expensive method of treatment?

Do yourself and your parents - and your relatives and friends, for that matter - a favour and put the effort into researching their symptoms and finding alternative natural cures which are often better than conventional medicine. Only true love and caring can drive a passion for learning. The books are available in libraries and academic bookstores. Money may be the quick and easy 'pay and forget' answer, but it could also be the regretful decision in years to come - Show your love, and study as hard (and with passion) as the professionals whose advice you pay for!

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